Decluttering Closet!

Okay, so last time I talked about my journey on living a more conscious life. Based on reusing stuff and having a fuller life not with things, but with experiences. So, even this journey is becoming such a beautiful teaching experience for me. I need to add when we have things that we actually useContinue reading “Decluttering Closet!”

Yalda Night

Last night was Northern Hemisphere winter solstice which is celebrated in Iran and so many other countries. We used to call it Chelleh/Yalda night growing up. It is considered to be the longest night of the winter. We would gather as a family, with my aunts and would laugh and tell stories till we finishContinue reading “Yalda Night”

Less Waste Planning!

In my previous post I talked about less waste and having made the decision to consume consciously. Last week I spend planning my going “less waste”, I call it less waste and not zero waste because I know now I am still not ready to go zero waste. But, I am planning to do myContinue reading “Less Waste Planning!”

Less Waste?!

It is been some years I have been trying to be environmentally friendly. I changed our paper napkins to cloth, installed bidet in our toilet. I say no to paper cups. And, so many other small changes… Then Covid-19 occurred . The stores didn’t let me use my own bags for shopping. And, I couldn’tContinue reading “Less Waste?!”

Why I deleted amazon app!

These past few months with the hitting of COVID 19 we see how much businesses are struggling, and I kept telling myself we need to support small businesses. local restaurants. And yet, whenever I wanted something, amazon looked like the easy place to go to order. It took me some orders to make me realizeContinue reading “Why I deleted amazon app!”