Why I deleted amazon app!

These past few months with the hitting of COVID 19 we see how much businesses are struggling, and I kept telling myself we need to support small businesses. local restaurants. And yet, whenever I wanted something, amazon looked like the easy place to go to order.

It took me some orders to make me realize there is nothing that necessary to make me want to order from amazon. Two, if I truly need something I can go and buy it from a local place. True, the prices might be a little higher but believe me in the long run you save a lot of money.

Here at states we are such good consumers, and that’s what we have been taught. Buy Buy Buy!

The benefits of shopping in person is:

1- In the long run we save money have your shopping list.

2- At least we see one person and have a small chat.

3- We save a lot of packaging and have less impact on nature.

4- Most importantly we support local businesses

I am not saying I would never purchase at amazon or online. No, there are times that online is the best option, but with awareness and acknowledgment we can have less damage on the environment and be support our local businesses.

As always,



Published by sarasouljourney


One thought on “Why I deleted amazon app!

  1. Am with you Sara. It is much better to support local businesses and have social interaction.
    And I so hope Americans learn from Covid19 and start to consume lesser 😊


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